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Your EqDT

Justin McDavid

Our Story

Many paths have preceded my pursuit of helping horses through dentistry. All those paths traveled have brought life lessons with acquired talents and knowledge along the way. My wife, Jamie and I call the Back Creek Valley area of Hedgesville, West Virginia our home and currently spend most of our free time chasing our kids around. Much like all my clients I meet, we enjoy the freedom that living in the rural countryside brings. It’s the lifestyle that keeps us grounded as a family in what seems an ever faster moving world. 

    Everyone has heard of someone telling the story of riding their first horse--- maybe it was at a friend's house or that pony at the fair. Whether you have horses or not, it is a memory you don’t forget. I always enjoy hearing those stories because they are evidence of the impact horses can have on people’s lives. Serving as an Equine Dental Technician gives me the opportunity to play a small role in that; it's a pretty neat thing. I grew up riding in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona and living, breathing the western lifestyle---which is why you will likely see me in a cowboy hat. I had the opportunity of riding horses from a young age and a family that enjoyed the trail as well. 

     I earned my degree and played collegiate baseball at West Virginia University. Post college and newly married, I continued following my baseball passion for two more years at the Professional Independent Minor League level. I will always remember my time on the 2012 Kokernot o6 Ranch Cowboys championship team and the hospitality of everyone in Alpine, Texas. Today, I am a former C-17 air crew member who was in the West Virginia Air National Guard and now an Equine Dental Technician full-time. After graduation from The American School of Equine Dentistry, McDavid Equine Dentistry and Services was born out of a passion for horses and operating my own small business. I am thankful for all the support given from family, friends and especially my beautiful wife, Jamie.  

As always, I look forward to seeing you all out on the trail!   

Your EqDT

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